
Tips When Your Baby is Premature

Tips When Your Baby is Premature

Premature babies need enough care and attention from parents. If you have a premature baby, you must make extra effort in caring for him. You have to realize that these babies need careful handling. Try to consult a physician all the time for some advices about caring for a premature baby. Keep in mind that your baby may not grow as fast as the full term ones. But you need not to worry so much because at one point in his life he will be able to catch up with the growth and development rate.


This is one of the most important aspect of caring for a premature baby. You must know that your baby must be fed for at least 8 times a day to keep him healthy and growing. Most of the times, he will vomit after you feed him but you need not to panic since this normally happens to premature babies.


Always remember that these babies have immature digestive system and they have not fully developed their swallowing ability. You can start feeding your baby with solid foods 6 months after his due date and not from the time he was born. You have to realize that it will take time for them to develop their body just like full term babies have.


You must put your baby on his back while sleeping to avoid sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS which is highly associated with premature babies. You must know that these babies have to sleep most of the time but at short intervals. They must have enough sleep for them to grow healthy and fast.


Experts say that these babies are more prone in having crossed eyes compared to full term ones. But you need not to worry since it will disappear on its own as babies gain more control on their muscles. There are premature babies who acquire retinopathy of prematurity or ROP due to defective blood vessels in the eyes. You need to consult a physician for this ailment. Statistics also show that they are more prone in having hearing difficulties so you must be careful in caring for them.

Immunization is important for your baby to keep away from illnesses. You have to realize that he is more prone to infections because of immature physical body. You need to secure him all the time. When you want to travel with your baby, you must have a secure and comfortable baby car seat that will support his body so that traveling will be smooth for him.

There are a lot of things that you must know on how to care effectively for your premature baby. Always remember that you need to make extra effort for your baby to cope up with his needs. Try to give provide everything that will make him better and healthier.

Keeping your little one clean & comfortable can be demanding and exhausting. Sometimes you will find that basic baby care can again be a challenged and you will feel how to manage everything but it's not a tough work and you just need practice and patience.

1. Feeding your baby: Feeding your baby is the first and foremost care of your baby but before starting it you must be aware of whether to breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby. Although Research shows that, in most cases, breast milk is the best food for your baby. But some mothers cannot or prefer to not breastfeed, in that case baby formula is a healthy alternative. It is very important to burp your baby gently after a feeding. While feeding from a bottle, make sure your baby is not taking in air bubbles. Be caution about the food that your baby is intake. When your baby is ready to accept semi-solids and solids, introduce one food at a time. Allow him or time to get used to each food. Avoid baby foods with additives.

2. Diapering: One of the most important thing to consider is the type of diaper your baby should use, cloth diapers or disposable diapers. Each option has its own pros and cons. You as a parent should first check how comfortable your baby is. Parents usually make a decision based on time, convenience, environmental concerns and financial considerations. You can also go with both the options; use cloth at home and disposable diapers for outdoor purpose.

3. Bathing and Grooming: Bath time can be an exciting, fun experience for you and your baby but at the same time you have to be very careful. Before placing your baby in the water, test it with your elbow to make sure it's not too hot or too cold. Never leave your baby unattended while he or she is in the bath. After the bath, bundle your baby up in a nice fluffy towel and dry him or her thoroughly. Make sure the umbilical area is dry and that the eyes, ears and nose are clean. You may need to clean these with a wet washcloth, but never insert buds into them. Trim your baby's nails just after a bath.

4. Sleeping: According to pediatrician for the growth of the child it is very important for him to have sound sleep. It's not unusual for a baby to wake at least once during the night until he or she is about a year old. The younger the baby, the more times he or she will wake during the night for feeding and changing. Before putting your baby on bouncer it is very important to check whether it's clean & tidy or not. If your baby is not able to sleep properly for more the 2 to 3 days then concern a doctor & follow his instruction or change the place of baby's sleep.

5. Traveling: A common question of parents is when it is safe to travel by air with a baby. You should wait at least two weeks after the baby is born to take him or her on a trip that includes a flight. Before going for travelling it is very important to pack all the items you need along with plenty of extra clothes and diapers & make arrangement of stroller or carrier.

Child care is not an easy task it requires lots of effort and time & if you want to be good parent then take all the above mentioned responsibilities those parents are tasked to do. Then your new born baby will grow up happy, healthy and safe.

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