Fetal development at age 5 Months
This month, the fetus begins to recognize the surrounding environment. Fetus begins to feel a variety of sensations. Eyebrows and fine hair on the scalp begin to grow, which is temporary. Two weeks after the baby is born, these hairs will fall out.
Fetal activity relatively regular schedule. In the morning until late afternoon, the fetus will rest. Therefore, in this period, the fetus did relatively little motion. At night, the fetus move on, so sometimes disrupting sleep mother. At the age of five months, the fetus has a body length of 25 cm.
Fetal Development Week 17
Developing fetal skin and transparent. Appear red because of the blood vessel is still clearly visible. Ear is fully formed and is in its final position. Although his eyes were closed, the fetus can capture a bright light. Weighing about 120 grams, until the shape of the uterus looks oval and not round. As a result, the uterus is pushed out of the pelvic cavity leads to the abdominal cavity. Automatic intestine mother pushed almost to the liver area, until often stung heartburn.
The rapid growth of the uterus is also making ligaments stretch, especially when there is a sudden movement. Pain or discomfort is called the round ligament pain. Therefore it is advisable maintain posture and do not perform sudden movements or which cause stretching.
Fetal Development Week 18
Now the fetus is able to listen to the sounds of the outside of your body. Fetus will move or jump when listening to loud noise. Muscle fetus is able to contract and relax, fetus was DAPT kicking, punching and moving very active. In this week you may already be able to feel the movement of the rotation for the first time.
Estimated fetal weight about 150 grams. The uterus can be palpated just below the navel, about the size of a watermelon. Uterine growth in the future will change the balance of the mother's body. While the increased mobility of joints influence postural changes as well cause back complaints. These complaints may increase when gaining weight uncontrollably. To fix this, make it a habit to lie on her left side, avoid prolonged standing and heavy lifting. In addition, a time to rest your feet as often as possible by lifting / prop disposable pillow.
Starting this age of interactive relationship between mother and fetus increasingly interwoven. No wonder every time the mother is happy, sad, hungry or feel anything else, the fetus was feeling the same thing.
Fetal Development Week 19
Now the fetus is about 23 cm long with a weight of 200 grams. If he does not feel fetal movement, maybe this week you will start merasaka movement. Fetal brain has reached millions of motor nerve therefore he is able to make conscious movements such as thumb sucking. The nervous system of the fetus is formed in the 4th week, this week more perfect in its development, namely the production of cerebrospinal fluid that should be circulating in the brain and spinal cord without a hitch. Well, if the hole is clogged or the flow of the liquid is hindered by any cause, most likely to occur hydrocephalus / accumulation of fluid in the brain. The amount of fluid that accumulates typically around 500-1500 ml, but can reach 5 liters! This buildup obvious fatal impact given how much the amount of brain tissue of fetal distress by fluid earlier.
Fetal Development Week 20
The skin covering the body of the fetus can be divided into two layers, the epidermis layer that lies on the surface and dermis layer which is the inner layer. The next epidermis will form certain patterns on the fingertips, palms and soles of the feet. While the dermis layer containing small blood vessels, nerves and a large amount of fat. As it grows rapidly, the need for fetal blood also increased sharply. So as not to threaten anemia of pregnancy, the mother had to meet their need for iron intake, either through the consumption of nutritious foods and supplements are recommended by doctors. Fetal muscle getting stronger every week. If you still can not feel the movement, you will definitely feel movement now. Maybe you mean the first movement like the wind, because it feels like a burst of bubbles inside. Fetus moves about 200 times a day, but you just feel a little bit of all of this movement.