


To date, the question of an additional source of vitamins is really relevant. This is due to a straight line with a significant depletion of soils in which vegetables, fruits and cereals grow. In this regard, even a well-fed person, physically unable to get the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the right amount.
Synthetic vitamins harm to your healthThe pharmaceutical industry has flooded the world market with a huge number of synthetic vitamin complexes. Here you can include vitamins for children, vitamins for pregnant women, for women, for men, various vitamin complexes of a narrow focus, to maintain this or that organ and others. But, unfortunately, with the chemist's vitamins have little in common. Despite this, a huge number of consumers are increasingly spending their hard-earned money on such drugs, without even thinking about what they consume. Mass advertising, propaganda and hammering "necessary" information in universities to future doctors do their job.
"Instead of the expected effect of protecting our body from diseases and stimulating immunity, synthesized vitamin complexes increase the risk of developing cancer."
Such a sensational statement appeared in the journal The Lancet, one of the oldest and most authoritative medical journals.
Recently, in developed countries, researchers have increasingly questioned the use of synthesized vitamins. Ironically, in Ukraine and Russia the results of these scientific studies have not received much publicity either in scientific publications or in public.
The combination of provitamin A (beta-carotene) with vitamin A, increases the death rate by more than 30%, and in the case of combining it with vitamin E, this figure is 10%.
This discovery was made by scientists who investigated the effect of synthesized vitamins on the prevention of oncological diseases of the digestive system: "We could not prove that synthesized vitamin complexes interfere with the development of malignant neoplasms of the digestive system, it turned out exactly the opposite," they wrote in The Lancet.
Researches of scientists show that combinations of beta-carotene with vitamin A (increased mortality by 30%) and beta-carotene with vitamin E (increased mortality by 10%) showed the worst results.
Vitamin A of natural origin helps maintain visual acuity, is important for the synthesis of DNA, protects cells from free radicals. Provitamin A (beta-carotene) - a powerful antioxidant, supports the work of the heart, lungs and arteries.
Synthetic vitamin A does not work at all. Studies show that people taking synthesized vitamin A by 8% are more likely to suffer from heart attacks and lung cancer.
Experience in pigs showed that synthesized vitamin B resulted in infertility of 100% of pigs.
Based on the statistical data obtained from the studies, scientists calculated the outcome with excessive enthusiasm for synthetic vitamins. "If statistics show a real picture, write D. Foreman of the University of Linde and D. Altman of the English Cancer Research UK, then for every 1 million people who use such vitamin complexes, 9,000 people will die prematurely" .
Against nature you will not trample. We are biological organisms created by nature. Only natural vitamins and minerals go to us

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